Saturday, March 24, 2007

Visa , Immigration Queries- U.A.E

SS Bhujbal, a mechanical engineer from India got a job in Jebel Ali as sales engineer. However, the company gave him visa in the category of a technician and his salary is not as much as he expected. Therefore, he doesn't want to accept the job. He wants to know whether he can get a new visa.

Once a company obtained an employment visa for an employee, the employee cannot get another visa unless the existing visa is cancelled. Bhujbal should therefore ask the company to cancel the visa they obtained for him. He should then request the new employer to apply for an engineer's visa for him.

Usha from India wants to know how long it takes to obtain an employment visa from the UAE. She also wants to know the procedure to obtain the employment visa.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the UAE takes between 2 to 3 weeks to issue an employment visa if all the documents are in place. As regards the procedure to obtain the visa approval, the employer should apply to the Ministry of Labour. There is nothing the employees can do to obtain the employment visa approval except providing the employer with the attested copies of educational qualifications.

Armuda is working as a software engineer in Dubai. He wants to work as a freelancer once he completes his contract and cancels his current visa. He wants to know if there is a problem if he works as a free lancer.

According to the UAE's Labour Law, an expatriate employee can work only for the sponsor. Therefore working as a freelancer or working for companies other than that of the sponsor is against the Labour Law. Armuda should therefore opt for setting up his company in the UAE.

CG, a post-graduate engineer from the US, is working for a multinational company in the UAE. He signed an unlimited contract but there is a clause in his contract which states that he should not join any competitor. He wants to know whether he can join another company without a ban since he is in the exempted category.

An expatriate employee who signs a contract which states that he will not join a competitor should abide that condition. CG is in the exempted category does not mean he is exempted from honoring the agreement that he signed.

Is a man holding a diplomatic passport by virtue of being a spouse of a foreign diplomat working in her country's embassy in the UAE permitted to take remunerative employment in the country if he is granted no objection from his government? Sushil who has raised this question wants to know whether he can avail employment visa on the passport that he is holding.

Anyone who wants to take up employment in the UAE should have a work permit from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. If Sushil can get such work permit from the Ministry of Labour he can work in the country.

Priya J. Khanna's husband was on a visit visa during which he got an employment visa which is not yet stamped on his passport. However, he wants to take up a better job and therefore, she wants to know whether her husband can get a residence visa from the new company without facing problems.

An expatriate employee who gets an employment visa approval from one company cannot get such visa approval from another company without canceling the previous one.

Priya's husband should therefore approach the company which obtained the visa approval for him and request them to cancel it before asking another company to get a new employment visa for him.

However, if he cancels the existing visa approval he is likely to get an employment ban from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Can an employee start working in a new organisation before cancelling the previous sponsorship? Simon Pinto who wants an answer to this question also wants to know who will be penalised if it is found that the employee is working in the new organisation without cancelling the current employment visa.

Any employee who starts working in another organisation before cancelling the sponsorship has violated the country's labour laws and could be penalised for absconding.

Employers who find their employees working for another company before cancellation of their sponsorship should report the matter to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs failing which they could also be penalised.

Sammy has sponsored his wife who is a petroleum engineer. He wants to know whether she can work legally while she is on his sponsorship.

Women on husband's or father's sponsorship could work legally so far. However, the authorities have recently announced that persons holding dependents visa may not be allowed to work for the next one year. Sammy should therefore check with the Ministry of Labour whether this move has already taken effect.

Neelesh says that he was told by his friend that the UAE government has stopped issuing employment visa for Indians. He wants to know whether it is true.

The UAE has not stopped issuing employment visa to Indians. This kind of rumours probably spread by employers who fail to get visas due to reasons other than government policy.

Revathy is working as a software engineer in India and her husband is employed in Al Ain. She wants to know the procedure to get an employment visa for her when she comes to the country on her husband's visa.

Expatriates on dependent visa need not get an employment visa to work in the UAE. Revathy can work anywhere in the UAE with the work permit from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs which the employer can get for her.

John, employed at Dubai Internet City, has received an employment contract which states that he can be dismissed without notice as provided for in article 120 of UAE labour law. The contract also states that John should not work for a period of one year following the termination of the employment with any company which is a direct competitor to the employer. Therefore John wants to know the implications of these terms.

Given below is article 120 of UAE labour law, which John should read before signing the contract.

An employer may dismiss a worker without notice in any of the following cases:
a) If the worker adopts a false identity or nationality or submits forged certificate or documents;
b) If the worker is engaged on probation and is dismissed during the probationary or on its expiry;
c) If the worker makes a mistake resulting in substantial material loss for the employer, on condition that the latter notifies the labour department of the incident within 48 hours of his becoming aware of its occurrence;
d) If the worker disobeys instructions respecting industrial safety or the safety of the workplace, on condition that such instructions are in writing and have been posted up at a conspicuous place and, in the case of an illiterate worker, that he has been acquainted with them orally;
e) If the worker does not perform his basic duties under the contract of employment and persists in violating them despite the fact that he has been the subject of a written investigation for this reason and that he has been warned that he will be dismissed if such behavior continues;
f) If the worker reveals any secret of the establishment in which he is employed;
g) If the worker is finally sentenced by a competent court for an offence involving honour, honesty or public morals;
h) If the worker is found in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of a drug during working hours;
i) If, while working, the worker assaults the employer, the responsible manager or any of his work mates;
j) If the worker absents from his work without a valid reason for more than 20 non-consecutive days, or more than seven.

As regards the condition which states that John should not join other competitor for one year, its up to John whether he should accept it or not.

Can an expatriate employee transfer his sponsorship after canceling his labour card? Manoj who is working in Abu Dhabi got his work permit cancelled in order to join a government department in Dubai. However, the Abu Dhabi Immigration Department informed him that anyone who cancels his visa will get a ban for six months and therefore Manoj wants to know whether he can transfer his sponsorship after canceling his labour card.

Expatriate employees who want to transfer their sponsorship should have no objection certificate and the sponsorship cancellation form. Manoj can give these documents to the new employer who can then apply for the transfer of his new sponsorship, if he is in the transferable category.

Rizwan Ali from Pakistan wants to come to Dubai on a visit visa to search for a job. He wants to know whether he is allowed to do that and if so who can give him a visit visa.

Rizwan Ali can visit Dubai and look for a job during his visit. As regards who can give him a visit visa, a company or a relative in the UAE drawing a salary of Dhs6,000 per month can sponsor Rizwan for the visit visa.

Is it necessary for an employee on husband's sponsorship to hand over her passport to the employer? Rathika Sridhar wants an answer to this question because her employer is asking for her passport. She also wants to know whether it is also necessary to give her labour card to the employer.

There is no law which states that an employee should give his or her passport to the employer. Therefore, Rathika need not hand over her passport to her employer. As regards labour card, employees should keep it since it is also their identification card.

Raja who is here on a visit visa got a job in Jebel Ali Free Zone but he was told by the employer that his passport validity should be for five years to apply for employment visa. Therefore, he wants to know the passport validity requirement for applying for visas.

An expatriate's passport needs to be valid only for six months to apply for an employment visa. Raja's potential employer appears to be misleading him and therefore it will be better for him to look for a genuine employer.

What is the correct and most efficient procedure to get a job in Dubai? Roger Luchinger who is a Swiss national currently working in Switzerland, has asked this question because he wants to move to Dubai to find a job. He is confused about the sponsorship and work permit and therefore he wants to know the correct procedure.

Roger Luchinger and all expatriates looking for a job in the UAE should first find an employer. The company which hires expatriate employees will then sponsor them for employment and residence in the UAE. Potential job seekers should therefore focus on finding the job since the employment visa, work permit and residence are arranged by the employer.

Can expatriate employees who come to the country on an employment visa and complete the formalities for residency, go back to their country of origin? If they do not wish to continue with the same employer, can they come back with another company's visa? That is the query for which Priya is seeking an answer.

Expatriate employees have the right to go back to their country of origin. However, if they break the contract, the employer has the right to ask for compensation and the Ministry of Labour can impose a one-year employment ban. Priya should therefore make up her mind before signing the contract because once the labour contract is signed and the employer completes the sponsorship formalities she should abide by the country's labour and immigration laws.

Natasha Rosario who is currently working in Jebel Ali wants to know how many days she can stay in the country after the cancellation of her visa. She also wants to know whether she can get an employment visa from any other emirate in the UAE.

Expatriate employees can normally stay in the country for 30 days after the cancellation of their visa. Natasha Rosario can find a job in any other emirate after the cancellation of her present visa if there is no employment ban on her.

How much money should an expatriate pay to purchase an employment visa? Aamir Shafique wants an answer to this question because he, like many other expatriates, is very keen to get a job in the UAE.

Buying or selling a visa is a criminal offence for which the buyer and the seller could be in trouble. Aamir Shafique should therefore try to find an employer who will provide him the employment visa, which is not a commodity that should be sold and purchased.

Sateesh has just received his employment visa but he has not signed a labour contract with the sponsor. Therefore, he wants to know whether he can take up another job before he signs the contract with the present employer.

Sateesh and all expatriate employees who assume they are doing a smart thing by trying to change their job before even signing a labour contract should know the procedure and the laws. Once the Ministry of Labour approves an employment visa for an employee, that employee cannot get another employment visa unless the earlier visa is cancelled. Sateesh cannot therefore take up another job unless his present sponsor agrees to cancel his present visa.

Raghu who is working in Sharjah lost his job due to re-structuring. However, the company, which cancelled his visa earlier, is now ready to take him back. He wants to know whether it is possible to revoke the cancelled visa.

Once a visa is cancelled, it cannot be revoked. Raghu's employer should therefore apply for a new employment visa for him.

Anis Zakaria asks if it is necessary for an expatriate employee to cancel the family visa when the employer cancels the employee's visa? He wants an answer to this question because his employer has made him redundant and asked him to find another job. He wants to know whether it is better for him to transfer the sponsorship so that he does not have to transfer his family's visa.

Expatriate employees can cancel their residence visa only after cancelling the residence visas of their family or dependents. Anis should therefore cancel his family's visa if he cancels his residence visa. However, if he manages to transfer his sponsorship he need not cancel the visa of those sponsored by him.

Nasir Ali from Pakistan and many other readers want to know the procedure for obtaining visit visa to the UAE.

The relevant articles of the immigration law concerning the requirements for obtaining visit and tourist visas are as follows:
Article 38
Entry permission for visit
This permission is issued by the Residence and Immigration Department and Consular Authorities representing the country abroad, if necessary, to any foreigner who intends to enter the country for the following purposes.
a) To visit a relative or a friend residing legally in the country.
b) To visit a juridical person, whether private or public.
c) For tourism, provided to be sponsored by tourist firms or companies.
Article (39)
Entry permission for visit entitles its bearer to enter the country once during the two months following issuance and to stay for 30 days, from the date of entry.
Such permission can be renewed for the same period for two consequent times for serious reasons but not for those coming for tourism.
Article 40
Application for entry permissions for visit shall be submitted on the form prepared for this purpose after completing all the particulars and documents required for every case, following in this respect the procedure mentioned under:
a) In case the purpose of entry is to visit a relative or a friend legally residing in the country, the following conditions are required:
1) The visitor should be a spouse or a first degree of affinity to the sponsor. Relatives of second degree of affinity may be allowed by the approval of Deputy Minister for Residence and Immigration or his authorised.
2) he sponsor must be a citizen, in case the visitor is a friend.
3) The documents evidencing the spouse relation or the degree of affinity or reasons for visit must be attached, and the sponsor must produce the sufficient guarantee for non default of the sponsored.
b) In case the purpose of the entry is that a foreign wife has visit her GCC citizen husband, then the wife must hold a valid residence permission in the country in which her husband enjoys nationality.
c) In case the purpose of entry is to visit a juridical person, whether private or public, an acceptable justification should be submitted to the concerned department stating the reasons for visit and the purpose.
d) In case the purpose of entry is for tourism, the sponsor must be an establishment or firm practising tourism, and have sufficient guarantees, and submit the application at least one week before the arrival attached to a list of the names to be brought, and their personal details, provided their number should be at least ten persons and showing the tourist program, stating the date of arrival and the date of departure and the places they would visit in the country and the place where they would stay.
Ali can get a visit visa if has a sponsor in the UAE who can meet the above requirements.

Unni Krishnan is working as finance manager in a trading company in Sharjah from December 2001. He wants to know whether he can change his job after completing a year's service.

Unni Krishnan can change his job after canceling his present visa but he cannot transfer his sponsorship, which requires a minimum of two years' service with the original sponsor. Whether or not his employer can create problem for changing his job and depends on the conditions mentioned in his employment contract.

Is cancellation of the labour card and the labour agreement necessary for applying for the approval of an employment visa? How many days or weeks the approval takes? On what basis is an application for employment visa rejected? These are some of the questions for which Kishore wants an answer.

The cancellation of the labour card and the employment contract is essential to obtain the approval for a new employment visa. The timeframe for obtaining the visa depends on the submission of proper documents and the company's visa quota. The basis for rejecting an application for employment visa approval is based on various factors. Since the basis for rejection defers from case to case, it cannot be listed in this column.

The manager of a company in Dubai who doesn't want to disclose his name has sent an inquiry stating that the company has employed a driver on his "own visa." He wants to know whether this employee is entitled to have benefits such as gratuity and airfare.

There is no such thing as "own visa." A company is bound by the country's labour law to employ only workers sponsored by it. The company is also bound to give salary and benefits to the employees as per the labour contract. Any company which employs workers on so-called "own visa" is violating the labour laws, the punishment for which can be fine and imprisonment.

Khaled Fawagreh was interviewed for a job and informed that he has been selected for the post. The process started last December and ended in June. After six months he has been informed that the job was given to somebody else. He wants to know whether he can claim compensation.

An employment becomes legally binding only when the employer and the employee sign the employment contract. Employers are not obliged to give compensation if there is no employment contract signed by both parties. Hence Khaled cannot claim any compensation.

Imtiyaz wants to know the procedures in Dubai for marriage between an Indian groom and a Pakistani bride. Imtiyaz also wants to know how the husband who has got a UAE residence visa can bring the wife to Dubai.

There is no ban on marriage between Indians and Pakistanis. However, since the couple are Muslim, it is essential that the girl gets the permission for marriage from her father. The husband can sponsor the wife for residence in Dubai if he meets the requirements for family sponsorship.

Naveen's sponsor closed the business but he has not cancelled Naveen's visa, which is valid until 2004. Naveen wants to know how long he can continue on his present visa.

It is the responsibility of the sponsor to cancel the visas of the sponsored when the company is closed. Since Naveen's visa is not cancelled he can live in the country until the visa expires.

Sayed Irfan who is working as an engineer in Sharjah intends to leave his job to join a company in Dubai. He has sponsored his family and he wants to know whether there is a way to avoid the cancellation of his wife's visa until his sponsorship is changed.

Expatriate employees cannot avoid cancellation of visas of the dependents sponsored by them at the time of canceling their residence visa. However, if Sayed has a new visa from the new employer, he can show it to the Immigration Department and request them to avoid cancellation of his wife's visa since he can renew her visa when he returns on his new employment visa.

Satish Kumar has worked in Dubai and left the country without cancelling his visa. He has stayed away for more than six months and his visa has expired. He is in India now and he wants to know how he can get his expired visa cancelled.

Satish can send his passport containing his expired residence visa to his sponsor in Dubai along with the sponsorship cancellation form signed by him. The sponsor can then get his visa cancelled and send his passport to him.

Sendil Kumar is working in Sharjah free zone for more than 3 years as a Data Entry Operator. He has got a better opportunity in Jebel Ali Free Zone. He wants to know whether he can transfer his visa from Sharjah free zone to Jebel Ali free zone.

The UAE's sponsorship transfer rules are not applicable to companies in the free zones. Every free zone has its own set of rules and employees working in one free zone in the country cannot transfer their sponsorship to another. Sendil Kumar should therefore get his present visa cancelled and comeback to the country on a new visa.

Pradeep from India has applied for a job in Dubai through a consultant who has informed him that it will take more than two months to obtain an employment visa. He wants to know the timeframe for getting an employment visa and the procedure to check the authenticity of the visa.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs normally takes two to three weeks to approve an employment visa if all the documents are in place. Pradeep should therefore ask the consultant to speed up the processing by providing required documents. As regards checking the authenticity of the visa, Pradeep can get it verified at the UAE embassy in India.

Should an expert employee cancel his current contract and before applying for approval of another visa? Abdul Rehman also wants to know what guarantees he can have that the new company can get him a new visa within the specified time frame.

Expatriate employees should cancel their present labour contract and work permit before obtaining the approval for another visa. As regards guarantee, Abdul Rehman can look for a new employer who will give him a job and a visa guarantee.

Adriana's friend, an Indian, lives in Dubai with her two children. Her husband who is a businessman is planning to close down the business. Their visa is valid until year 2005 and she wants to know whether they have to cancel their visa when her husband closes the business and cancels his visa or they can stay until their visa expires.

When a UAE residence visa holder cancels the visa, the Immigration Department will ask for cancellation of the visa of those who are sponsored by the visa holder. The residence visa of Adriana's friend and her children, therefore, will have to be cancelled if their sponsor cancels his visa.

Abhay, an engineer from India, has been offered an employment in a software company in Dubai. However, the profession in his employment visa is that of sales manager. He wants to know whether his profession as engineer or his designation in the visa as sales manager will be valid at the time of visa cancellation or transfer.

The category of an expatriate employee is decided by the profession mentioned in the visa. If the profession in the visa of Abhay states that he is sales manager he cannot get any legal benefits of an engineer. Abhay should therefore take up a job compatible with his qualifications.

Ricky's friend who is civil engineer is in the UAE on a visit visa. Ricky wants to know whether he has to exit the country in order to change his visit visa to that of employment visa. He also wants to know whether there is any category exempted from the requirement of exiting the country to change visa.

Articles 41 and 42 of the Ministerial Decree no. 360 for the year 1997 deal with changing the visit visa to employment visa. The articles are given below for the benefit of Ricky's friend and other readers.

Article 41
The visit visa, or visit permit can be changed into employment residence in the private sector for the following categories:-

1) Engineers

2) Doctors, chemists, nurses and medical technicians

3) Agricultural advisors

4) Teachers

5) Qualified accountants and auditors

6) Technicians in electronics, scientific equipment and labs

7) Drivers Licensed to drive heavy vehicles and buses

8) Employees in private oil companies

The minister of interior, or his deputy may exempt any other category for the public interest if he deems necessary. In all cases, the foreigner should not have entered the country by tourist visit.

Article 42
Foreigners entering the country by visit visas or visit permits can amend their status to employment residence subject of the following:

A) The foreigner should obtain the approval of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, or the departments concerned, for those who are not subject to Labour Law, to reside under the sponsorship of the same sponsor who obtained the visit visa for him according to procedure required by the authorities.

B) To pay the fees for exemption from the requirement of departure, as specified by the Ministerial Resolution No. (6) for 1994, regulating amendment and levying some fees decided for transactions of Immigration, Traffic and Arms Licensing Departments, in case of being employed by private sector.

Can an expatriate employee who is not entitled to sponsor his wife bring her on an employment visa purchased from the market? Can either of the parents sponsor the baby in this case? Jagbir Singh wants an answer to this question because his salary is not sufficient to obtain a family visa.

Purchasing an employment visa for any reason is against the Labour Law and therefore, the buyer and the seller can end up in trouble. Moreover, a person who purchases the visa will not be entitled to sponsor family members because the visa is issued only to people eligible for it. Jagbir is therefore advised to avoid breaking the law.

What are the requirements to take up residency in Dubai? Brad Alquis, a Canadian who is currently working in Yemen, wants to know the requirements for residency in Dubai.

The primary requirement for an expatriate employee to have a UAE residency is to have an employer who will sponsor the employee. Therefore, Brad should find an employer who will sponsor him. Alternatively, Brad can invest in a business here and obtain an investor visa which will entitle him for residency.

M. Saleem complains that his friend has applied for a visit visa to the UAE but it has been refused. He wants to know why his friend who has travelled all over the world has been denied a visit visa.

In order to obtain a visit visa to the UAE, the visitor must be sponsored by a resident of the country. Saleem should verify whether the sponsor forwarded the application for visit visa as per the requirements for sponsoring a visitor. Nevertheless, the immigration authorities have the right to refuse visa on security grounds or any other reason they deem fit.

Can an employer terminate the services of employees if they complain to the Ministry of Labour? Ashraf who is working in a Dubai based company has not been paid his salary for the last 4 months. However, he is afraid to complain to the Ministry of Labour because he thinks that if he does he will lose his job.

Employers have the right to terminate the services of employees who act against their interest. Therefore employees who file complaints against the employer should be prepared to accept termination of service. As for the non payment of salary, Ashraf has the right to complain to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Rajul who is working in Dubai has been out of the country for more than 6 months. He wants to know whether his visa is still valid and whether he can come to the country and get another job.

The UAE residence visa becomes invalid if the holder stays out of the country for more than six months. Moreover, the holder cannot take up another job before the previous visa is cancelled. Rajul is therefore advised to get his old visa cancelled so that he can get another job in the country.

Raj is a diploma holder in computer programming with 4 years experience in the field. He wants to know whether diploma holders can get employment visa.

A new law is being implemented according to which the minimum qualification for obtaining employment visa would be high school certificate. Raj is entitled for the employment visa if he meets this requirement.

Geeta has written that her fiancé's visa will expire soon. She wants to know whether her fiancé who is 23- years- old can stay in Dubai on a student visa as he is doing his MBA in Dubai. If that is not possible can his father sponsor him?

Geeta's fiancé can stay in Dubai on a student visa. He cannot however, be sponsored by his father who is not entitled to sponsor sons who are above 18 years of age.

The company in Dubai where VK Pillai used to work is closed down and his visa has expired. But his sponsor is forcing him to work in his factory in Sharjah. Pillai has reminded his sponsor that it is illegal to work on an expired visa but his sponsor says it is OK. Pillai wants to know what he can do about it.

Pillai is right in reminding his sponsor that it is illegal to work on an expired visa. However, it is the responsibility of the sponsor either to renew the worker's visa or to cancel it . If the employer is not fulfilling this responsibility, Pillai should lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Kumar who is working in Dubai got a better job in Abu Dhabi but he is apprehensive about the six-month ban . He wants to know whether expatriates with a six months employment ban can get a visit visa.

The six months ban by the immigration department prevents a person from taking up another job in the UAE. The department can refuse visit visas to those who want to come to the country for work.

Liza who runs a small business in Dubai wants to know the procedure for getting an employment visa for a worker who is on father's sponsorship. She also wants to know the fee for work permit and the details of documents required from employer and to employee.

The procedure for obtaining employment visa starts with the application to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for approval of the visa for the employee. The employer should file the application in the prescribed form along with a copy of a valid trade licence and the visa permit card. The employee should provide attested copies of qualifications. Since the rules for worker on father's sponsorship are different for males and females, Liza should contact us with precise details to get answers for the other questions.

Abdul Sattar Siddique wants to invest in a computer trading business in the UAE. He wants to know how many visas he will get when he starts his business.

The authorities issue employment visas depending on the nature and size of the business. Abdul Sattar should get expert advise before deciding on what kind of company he should form to achieve his requirements. He should contact The Legal Group for this purpose.

Nahla Elnayal, who works as an assistant business operation manager at a stock exchange in Cairo wants to come to Dubai either on visit or on employment visa. She wants to know whether visas are issued to single women.

There is no visa ban for single women. Nahala just has to find a sponsor in the UAE willing to offer her a visit visa. If she wants employment, she should look for an employer ready to sponsor her.

Niraj Chandrapota wants to know what the minimum qualification is for obtaining or transferring a visa.

As per the new law being implemented, the minimum qualification for obtaining an employment visa is a high school certificate.

Jayan, who is a qualified mechanical engineer holds the visa of an office clerk. Another company has offered him an engineer's visa and therefore he wants to know whether he can take up the new job if there is a ban. Jayan also wants to know the formalities for changing the profession from clerk to engineer?

Office clerks are not in the exempted category for the six months ban and therefore, Jayan may not be excluded from it. Those who get the six months ban cannot take up another job during period of the ban. Jayan can change the profession when he signs the new labour contract or when he renews it.

Benjamin from Dubai wants to know what happens when a residence visa expires before it is renewed or transferred? Who pays the fine for the delay in renewal? What happens when a family visa expires?

According to article 75 and 78 of ministerial decree for law no. 6/1973, an expatriate worker whose visa is not renewed, should pay the fine at the rate of Dhs25 per day for the first six months, Dhs50 per day for the next six months and Dhs100 per day after one year. The same applies to the worker's family. The worker is liable to pay the fine. If the employer doesn't renew the visa on time, employees should complain to the concerned authorities to avoid the fine.

Are housewives exempted from visa invalidation for staying outside the country for more than six months? Girish from Dubai wants to know whether his wife's visa will become invalid if she returns from India after staying there for more than six months?

The UAE residence visa becomes invalid if the holder stays out of the country for more than six months. Those who want exemption from this should apply to the immigration department.

Can employers force an employee to leave the country immediately after cancellation of visa? VGK, an engineer, got his visa cancelled and his employer wants him to leave immediately. How long can VGK stay in the country?

Those who cancel their residence visas are normally given thirty days to leave the country. The employer has no right to force the employees to leave the country during this period.

Vivek Dutta, a former resident of Dubai who is now in India, wants to know if there is a free visa whereby expatriates can come to the UAE on the company's sponsorship and work for another company. He has been offered a visa by his friend's company which could not offer him the job. Vivek wants to know whether it is legal to come to Dubai on this so called free visa offered by his friend's company and then work for another company.

There is no such thing called a free visa. Expatriates are legally bound to work for the company that sponsors them and send them the visa. If they don't, they and the sponsor are violating the country's labour law-- the fines and punishment for which are heavy. But despite so many cases of imprisonment and deportation, some expatriates still say that they are on their own visa or free visa which can land them in serious trouble. Vivek should therefore, find a job first and then come to the country on his employer's visa.


humaira said...

reapected sir/madam
my faince working in dubai and we r going to married in nov he is provided by family status and his salary is 6000dhm
i m staying in india after marriage i want to go with my faince to dubai but he says as he has to be present in dubai for removing my viza.
i wanted to know can my faince after marriage apply for my viza fromm india?
i m waiting for a positive reponse form u
thank u

Unknown said...

Reapected Sir/Madam,
I am changing my job from Hamriyah free zone company to Dubai based company.

I have already resigned from Hamriyah free zone company and awaiting for labor approval from Dubai immigration applied by the new company.
HR department of old company toold me that since I have Hamriyah free zone (Sharjah) visa, I have to cancell my visa but prior to that I have to cancell my family visa as I am the sponsor of my family.
my faince working in dubai and we

I want to transfer my family visa to Dubai to avoid delay on the basis of my new employment visa from Dubai.

My family is right now in India.
How can I transfer my family's (wife and children)Residence visa to Dubai even though I am cancelling my fereezone (sharjah) visa?

Is it possible that even after cancelling my family visa as required by Sharjah Immigration, I can request to transfer Family visa to Dubai on the basis of my new Dubai Visa?

Pls. tell me the procedure of transffering Family Visa to Dubai from Sharjah Hamriyah Free zone.

Can I cancle my Hamriyah free zone visa before getting the approval from Dubai? If yes what are the consequences of that?

What are the advantages of cancelling free zone (sharjah) visa afetr getting the approval from Dubai LABOR DEPT?

I m waiting for a positive reponse form you.

Thank You

Unknown said...

reapected sir/madam

I am pakistani national got an employment visa in 2004 and the same week i got my visa stamped on my passport without having my labour card i came back from dubai and never went back till today. i called my sponser again he said the company is already closed. i want to know can i enter uae again on a visit visa as my previous resident visa was not yet canceled.

please give me latest information about uae immigration rules.

thaks and regards


krajapalace said...

Respected Sir
Can you give me the difference between the labour ban and Immgration ban. ? I would also like to know what are the essential requirements for imposing such bans and what is the remedy for misuse of this rules for an individual.


Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
I am a graduate engineer and I got copy of my attested degree certificate(i lost attested oroginal, but I have my original certificate without attestation), which was done 9 years back from UAE consulate in Bombay.So please let me know whether this copy (9 years old) is ok for visa application.
V Menon

Unknown said...

i do have residence visa but i am out of country from last 6 month my visa expire in 2009 , will it be possible to come again to uae,coz my company doent doing any bussiness and doing nothing so i want to come again and work as free lancer in uae, will it be possible to come again after 6 month or is any formalities after that i can come to uae

Unknown said...

Respected sir
i am a house wife i want to go to uae on a visiting visa.
could u please help in knowing how can get there .yet i haven't taken passport but in plan to go for it .So my actual question is how to apply for it.
i am a degree certified person, will i hav to get these certificates get attested by the embassy.i hav a son too ,he is 3 year old he too dont hav passport.
i also want to know from where to get my marriage certificates certified.

Unknown said...

Hi all

Can somebody help me out in my case, recently i was on a visit to Abu Dhabi with an intention of finding a job i got one in a reputed Bank but after temperorily working for 3 months my employer told me to go to india so that they will send me Employment visa i came back and its been more than a month they did not send me the visa saying that it will be delayed for some more days without telling me the proper reson. Please note that i have an original offer letter from the bank and i also have Probation confirmation letter as well. In this senario suppose if the employer failed to give me the visa what are the legal action i can take.

I request your goodself to reply me in my personal email id which is

Please help me.

Thank you

krajapalace said...

Can any one tell me what are the esential requirements to put an emmigration bann on a person who wish to quit a job prior to his expiry of contract. please send the ur opinions on the personal e-mail

Aileen said...

My friend got an employment visa from a Dubai company. He started upon obtaining a work permit but after a week he received a higher offer from an IT company in free zone. He resigned from his job but the Dubai company said that he will have to pay AED 5000 more or less for the expenses of processing her visa and maybe for the cancellation charges. BUt they also told him that he will need to go back to his country and that he will be banned from UAE entry for 6 months and banned from Dubai Labour. Are all these the legal process if an employee does not continue his employment with a company? We understand that there is a 6months labor ban. But is it legal to ban him from Dubai immigration for entry and that he should pay the visa expenses?

Aileen said...

My friend got an employment visa from a Dubai company. He started upon obtaining a work permit but after a week he received a higher offer from an IT company in free zone. He resigned from his job but the Dubai company said that he will have to pay AED 5000 more or less for the expenses of processing her visa and maybe for the cancellation charges. BUt they also told him that he will need to go back to his country and that he will be banned from UAE entry for 6 months and banned from Dubai Labour. Are all these the legal process if an employee does not continue his employment with a company? We understand that there is a 6months labor ban. But is it legal to ban him from Dubai immigration for entry and that he should pay the visa expenses?

indiana said...

Dear Sir / Madam,
I'm an Indian, at present working in Kuwait, I'm a diploma holder in computers and I have good knowledge in computers hardware and networking, Would I be having problems at the time when the company needs to stamp me a visa in Dubai? I have heard that Higher secondary certificate is the minimum they need, which I have. I would be interesed to work in an IT field in Dubai. What is salary expected to work as an IT administrator with a diploma and MCP & CCNA certification. Appreciate your reply.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have a resident visa but did not enter since june last year, i left the country becouse of my husbands drinking and physical abuse, he refuses to cancel my visa as i wanted to change visa, because of his torture i left him, now i would like to come again on a visit is it possible to do so, or how can i enter the country please help me, as i need to work and support my son.

Anonymous said...

I have a resident visa but did not enter since june last year, my 6 months stay outside is over. i have overstayed, i left the country becouse of my husbands drinking and physical abuse, he refuses to cancel my visa as i wanted to change visa, because of his torture i left him, now i would like to come again on a visit is it possible to do so, or how can i enter the country please help me, as i need to work and support my son.

suyoof said...

dear sir,
am working in abu dhabi less than one year my present company planning to close. so am planning to join new company. let me know what are the formalities for transfer employment visa.

Unknown said...

Can anyone tell me what is the processs to immigrrate to Canada


anonymous said...

respected sir/madam,
i work in a good firm in uae as a manager.i am in the salary limit of getting a visa for my spouse.i would like to know the procedure for applying for a spouse visa?and i would like to know how many days,it takes for getting the spouse visa.


Gaurav Tare said...

Dear Sir , I have opportunity in Dubai as a manager & i did BE Mechanical but i would like to know what will be the advantage of Engineering Visa in UAE other than supervisor Visa ???
Plz give me your valuable feedback