Sunday, October 18, 2009

UAE recovering from recession

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will recover from the global recession by the end of the year, UAE envoy to Indian Mohammed Sultan Abdullah Owais has said.
After a meeting with chief Minister V.S.Achuthanandan here on Saturday ,he said ,”new jobs will certainly be there and even now things in the country are coming back to normality .the country will recover from the recession fully by the end of the year, “said Mr.Owais,who belongs to a big business family of the UAE.
At least 1.7 million Indians live and work in the seven states of the Emirates.
The newly appointed envoy said:”I decide to visit Kerala first because of the 1.7 million Indian communities in the UAE; haif of them are from south India, especially from Kerala”
He said his priority would be to strengthen the already excellent relations between India and the UAE .”More the 50 per cent of the trade in UAE is with India ($ 44.5 billion),”Mr. Owais said
Mr.Achuthanandan said the UAE authorities should provide a list of Keralites who were jailed in the gulf country.”We have also requested them to see that they increase the number of certificates that are presently being attested in the UAE embassy from 50 to 100 every day. Also we have requested the UAE govt to be a investor at the proposed Vizihinjam international port “Mr.Achuthanandan said.
Mr.Owais said:”we will see that what we can do to increase the number of the certificates that are presently being attested I our embassies. “Prominent UAE-based Malayali businessman M.A.Yusuf Ali, who accompanied Mr.Owais, said that contrary to reports only a few Keralites lost their jobs when recession struck.
“Things are fast coming back to normality and already the construction and already the construction and oil industry in the UAE have started hiring employees,” said Mr.Ali, who is the vice-chairman of ROOTS-NoRKA, the state govt agency that looks into issues concerning non-resident Keralites.-IANS

# Diplomat calls on Chief Minister
# 1.7 Million Indians live in the Emirates

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